I have a standard length driver. I’d like to try adding 1-2”. Is there a max length I can extend? My swing speed is 105. I’m also wondering how this will impact the stiffness or flex point.
shokosugi Answered question September 14, 2020
I have a standard length driver. I’d like to try adding 1-2”. Is there a max length I can extend? My swing speed is 105. I’m also wondering how this will impact the stiffness or flex point.
As above, what the others said. I’ve always used an old graphite shaft as the extension and have never had any issues up to 3″ and my swing speed is about 110mph. I generally use a shaft piece that’s twice as long as the extension and make sure it is a tight dry fit before sanding and putting the epoxy. Using an old shaft versus a specific shaft extender does add a few grams in weight so keep this in mind if this is a concern but overall I feel it is a much stronger extension
recommend max extension of 2″. shaft will play more flexible. balance point will change, tip flex will remain the same.