We all know that each shaft company ignores any standard of flex. In addition to that, each frequency machine is a bit different when reading that flex. Finally profile makes an impact on the readings received when measuring shafts.
When answering your question I would break this down into two categories 1) true to stated flex as compared to my machine and 2) profiles consistent to each shaft.
For me personally,
1) steel KBS, Graphite UST or Adila
2) steel KBS, Graphite AXE or UST
I don’t work with all the shafts and Britt is far more qualified that me to answer the question and would also add that you cant go wrong with Fuji, PX, Mitsubishi or Nippon either. I have had great results using them too,
Thanks, Britt. Helps a lot. My main goal is to find shafts that are most likely to be quite similar, shaft to shaft, so I don’t have to reorder a shaft or two because they are so out of sync with the set I receive.
The ones you have suggested (and that McGolf indicated) are the same ones I’ve found to be more reliable.
Also, when I do my testing, I’m comparing shafts within a set of shafts rather than against another brand or another shaft. Again, my goal is to prepare the most consistent set of clubs for my customer. Thanks again!