When shall Maltby find a work around as European users cannot access the web site, due to the newest idiocies by the EU?
We are hopeful that something can be done in the future. It is a directive given to us as a matter of safety and compliance until systems can be put in place that allow us to operate in the EU and still comply with the GDPR regulations. Our actions were and are not something we like, but necessary at this time. Again, we are cautiously optimistic we can resume servicing our EU customers (of which there are many) in the same way we have for the past several decades.
We do sincerely apologize for not being able to operate as we have, but the conditions that were created by the GDPR regulations forced our actions, resulting in the current status.
Britt Lindsey
Thank you very much – the GDPR “regulations” are a pain in the neck for us all, who are so unlucky to be members of the EU.
Kind regards
Sven Olsen