Hi there
I ordered the pinhawk iron heads from value golf and am Very excited to get them but had one final question about swing weight. I had tried the swing weight calculator online and got different results depending on which one I used. I figured you would know best.
Here is my setup that I want to go with
Side note all the irons will be the same length and have the same head weight and lie angle.
Pinhawk head weight – 272 grams
Project X 95 5.0 – 40.5 inches uncut length 101 grams at that length
Grip – golf pride tour 25. (25 grams)
Will this give me a good swing weight if I cut all my irons to a 36.5 inches
inwant every club like an 8 iron Typically an 8 iron head weight is a little heavier from my understanding hence the lighter grip
Your thoughts please everyone !!!
Thanks so much !!
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Okay Britt thanks again for the response!
Have you had any experience with the Apollo acculite 95 shafts ?
They are much cheaper and fit the specs I am looking for.
Other than that if I make my grip a 30 gram weight vs the 25 I should be in the more normal swing weight range to start with anyway correct ?
Thanks again