Hey I was wondering about how to see career opportunities here.. and what degree do you need to design golf clubs?
As far as career opportunities, we are always taking applications and reviewing resume’s. We have no specific job title we are looking for at this time, but are always looking for talent. As far as a degree for designing clubs, there is not a specific degree, but a mechanical engineering degree and the ability to design using 3D CAD programs would be good. Some companies would look for that kind of ability. That being said, some of the best designers (in my opinion) didn’t or do not have engineering degrees. They usually have a background of playing the game at a high level and working in the industry for a long time, hopefully working with someone that teaches them all the things they need to know to understand everything involved in clubhead design. Mass and dimensional characteristics of club heads and how they effect ball flight, metallurgy, club features and specifications, production processes and methods, are just some of the areas that over time you must inherently understand to be able to design a golf club. A good place to start is to get and read Ralph Maltby’s book “Golf Club Fitting and Performance: The Principles, Procedures and Playability Factors”.
Britt Lindsey