Best way is to get fitted, but if you can tell me what your swing speed is, if you have a fast, medium or slow tempo, and what kind of ball flight your looking for, I could make some suggestions. If you’re not sure on any of those, and if you like the shaft you have and just want something similar, I could possibly make some suggestions. We have some Miyazaki shafts in our database, but would need to know if there is a specific model you have and it would help to know what weight of the shaft is. If I knew those points, I could possibly find something similar. Other than that, you could go to the links below and maybe they will be of some help. At least the information might help narrow down the choices:
Britt Lindsey
IMO, you can throw money away, or get fitted. If you’re looking to throw money away check out GW “Deals” page then shafts. There isn’t magical wand to shafts, seems to be a feel/flight window thing for almost every person I’ve done. That also includes the right numbers off my flight monitor