Concerning my Hogan putter: is the head held on by epoxy so I can remove it and send it to you for re-chroming?
Britt Lindsey Answered question October 20, 2020
Concerning my Hogan putter: is the head held on by epoxy so I can remove it and send it to you for re-chroming?
It should be held on with epoxy. You can send it to us complete and we can remove and then re-install, if you’re more comfortable doing that. Or you can remove the head and send it. Either way. You might want to send the entire club because when we receive we will inspect the head and if there is any reason why we could not do the re-chrome, we could just send it back and you wouldn’t have to re-assemble. I believe we should be able to re-chrome, but we never know for sure until we get the club and take a look.
Britt Lindsey
what is the cost to re-chrome a head?