If a player was looking for an iron design to increase their spin rate, which Maltby design would you recommend and what would you generally look for in the MPF data for COG? Is a lower COG the main focus?
Woody Answered question February 26, 2021
If a player was looking for an iron design to increase their spin rate, which Maltby design would you recommend and what would you generally look for in the MPF data for COG? Is a lower COG the main focus?
@rosscw. Highly recommend the TE’s. I can’t say enough about them. Thinner top line, lofts that I like. Sometimes I can’t get used to the higher lofts, so I always look for Maltby forged models closer to classic models. Love the Gap wedge which is a 51. Just love the thing.
The TE Forged and DBM Forged have more tradtional lofts (31 and 30 deg on a 6 iron, respectively)) and a vcog of .675″. Those would be the ones to look at. Also the KE4S, with a 6 iron loft of 28 and a vcog of .725. it also is extremely stable an an Ultra Game Improvement profile. As I said, loft will influence the spin far more that vcog on irons. These have the lowest vcog to contribute to the spin equation, and lofts that are higher than the industry average.
Britt Lindsey