If you look in the descriptions and the specs you will notice the sole widths change quite a bit. There is the Tour sole and it progresses to the wide or glider sole. A high handicapper will usually struggle with a wedge digging in. The glider sole can do just that, glide through sand and turf. Better players like a thinner sole. They tend to be able to get the club through what ever the ball winds up in. Its not uncommon to have players with different width soles in their wedges. The highest loft having the widest sole, and the 52 being a tour sole.
It can be hard to imagine the different feels for the sole widths until you swing them. Its feel is readily apparent and builds confidence with the wide soles. So if you struggle in the bunkers or hit a lot of stuff fat, the wider soles can help out a lot.
If you look at the Specs/head shape/ dimensions of these items: MG58, R58, Mid58, and MS1.05-58 they all seem to be the same club head. Am I missing something here? Again is there a difference in play-ability and design in these heads that I am missing? Perhaps Britt will be able to provide an incite-full answer to this. Thanks.