Hey Britt,
Why are Maltby wedges not MPF rated, and has there ever been consideration of cavity back models?
We actually have an MPF rating system for wedges and below is a link to to how it works. Haven’t updated the wedges o the link, but the descriptions are what matters. Ralph came up with an great way to determine the playability wedges and describes it in Section 12 of his book “Golf Club Fitting and Performance”. A lot of variables go into how a wedge will perform for any particular player. Their ability, attack angle, turf conditions, sand conditions, just to name a few. I think if you will read the information on Wedge playability and then look at the chart at the link below, you can see what category our wedges would fall. I also attached information on all of our wedge series that is on the website. Hope this helps.
Britt Lindsey