Is there any way to remove a plastic shaft adaptor once it has been epoxied to the shaft. I would like to save both the adaptor and shaft. Thanks in advance for your input…..
Most shaft adaptors can be successfully removed. We have an OEM shaft adaptor saver kit (GW0130) that works well when used with one of the Golfworks shaft pullers (GW1009, MA2007, FASTE). If we knew exactly what kind of adaptor you are trying to remove, we could possibly be more specific on what you need to do to remove it.
Britt Lindsey
I recommend using a heat gun, not a torch, to remove the adapter. If it has a plastic ferrule that you want to save and reuse, you’ll need a heat shield product or keep a wet towel around it while heating the adapter. Adapters I have worked with are metal and can be removed with heat, but a heat gun uses less heat so you won’t damage the graphite shaft. The linked article gives the basics of graphite shaft removal and also applies to removing one from an adapter. Hope this helps! Michael
Sorry, here’s the link…
This is a Bobby Jones Blackbird model fairway wood (by Jesse Ortiz). It has a strange looking shaft adaptor, unlike any I have ever seen before. I was able to get a new shaft with adaptor installed from the company, but would like to remove the adaptor
from the original shaft. Thanks for your suggestion above.