I have played 95 gram steel shafts for years at D2, half inch over (Elevate, KBS tour lite, 950GH).  6 HC with 76-77 swing speed with 7 iron. Switched to MMT 75R last year at D2 for a little more distance and launch.  Even with the same SW as steel, I have had a little trouble with them feeling too light at times. Would it make sense to try 95 gram steel again but at a little lighter SW?  The reason this came to mind was that I played a set of Pings several years ago with the AWT 2.0 shafts that I really liked the weight and feel of.  Later I realized that they were D0 as many Ping irons are. I guess NEO 850 could also be an option.  Appreciate any advice thanks.

Britt Lindsey Answered question November 22, 2024