I was curious if Maltby has considered hats and such.
azgreg Answered question January 30, 2025
I was curious if Maltby has considered hats and such.
I’d buy a hat for sure.
I could see a black and grey Richardson hat selling well. Using a smaller in size, new design Maltby logo “M”
A hat with the Circle M would be awesome! I’d definitely order one. I bet Imperial would jump at the chance to work with you all on this.
We have considered hats, and still considering. Apparel not so much. A lot to consider with apparel and very difficult to have the right mix of sizes, cuts and colors to appeal to enough people to make it worth the effort. Maybe a shirt, one or two colors, but not really considering it. Hats though, a possibility. We will see.
Britt Lindsey
I definitely think you guys should make hats available.
Simply get 100 white hats with black copy. Make them available thru your e-mail updates to established customers. I cannot imagine these hats not selling out in less than a week. Especially if you make it known that the hats have a limited availability.
Since Dicks Golf Galaxy is your parent company, you can tap into their merchandising expertise.