Just a nerdy question that’s been annoying me ever since I had a club fitting in 11/2022!
We moved to the southeastern NC area in 2019 when my handicap was 4. I built my TS-1’s in 2022 (I’ve been doing my own club building since the early 90’s – I’ve studied Ralph’s video’s/books/etc. and was a TW Gold for several years). Since the first day of playing them I’ve produced numerous fat/thin shots with what felt like the club actually “bouncing into the ball” (turf in southeastern NC IS tight!). I didn’t having this problem with my previous clubs (Titleist 918 AP2)
I spent the better part of 2022 hitting fat/thin shots with my handicap rising to 10!
So, I went to the PGA Superstore in North Myrtle Beach for a fitting. The fitter is qualified – he has MANY certifications and before he moved to the US had won the Irish PGA twice (’84, ’93).
I mentioned the fat/thin problem during the fitting and he took a long look at my TS-1 7-iron (bounce is 4*) and said “it has too much bounce – too bad because it’s a nice looking club”. At the time he fit me into Ping G425’s.
Now I play Ping G425’s which I hit very well with nary a fat/thin shot. G425 7-iron bounce is 8*.
I took the TS-1’s out before winter set in and had the same problem. Since I don’t have this problem with the Pings can anyone give me insight as to why this would be happening? TS-1 SW is D-1. G425 SW is D-0. G425’s are 1/4 in longer than the TS-1’s.
Jed Johnson