Since all the rage these days are blended sets… for a lot of good reasons.. will the lofts of these two irons be compatible?
And I hope they are 4° gaps..
Prosticks Answered question May 23, 2022
Since all the rage these days are blended sets… for a lot of good reasons.. will the lofts of these two irons be compatible?
And I hope they are 4° gaps..
Designed lofts for the TS3 are 4-22, 5-25, 6-28, 7-32, 8-36, 9-40, PW-44, GW-48.
Designed lofts for the TS4 are 3-20, 4-23, 5-26, 6-29.5, 7-33, 8-37, 9-41, PW-45.5, GW-50
Completely possible to blend the sets, with minor adjustments. For instance, TS3 4 and 5 iron, TS4 6 iron strengthened .5 degrees and 7 thru GW TSW4 as is. If you went TS3 4 thru 7, then you could go TS4 8 thru GW and strengthen those 1 degree. Many options with the two sets.
Britt Lindsey