building a wedge for a customer. he’s playing one of my demo’s which is a TSW 58* with 6* bounce which is bent to 54* and 2* bounce. He loves it off the tight lies which is what it wanted it for as the leading edge doesn’t sit high of the ground when he lays it open.
I’m toying with the idea of doing some similar with a Max Milled wedge 58* with 8* bounce and bending it to 54* thereby reducing bounce to 4*.
Sole width’s are similar on both 1.05 and 1.07 which i think is negligible.
Looking for input on whether or not the wedge will hug the ground any tighter when laid open or would i be better off grinding one or the other.
thanks Britt,
I’ll order one of each, do some measurements before and after bending and get feed back from my customer on his preference.
Know the TSW is on back order, so might be a bit.