Does Golfworks permit use of club head images when advertising my business? Would like to use on my business cards only. I do not have a web site.
Britt Lindsey Answered question March 22, 2024
Does Golfworks permit use of club head images when advertising my business? Would like to use on my business cards only. I do not have a web site.
Unfortunately we do do not. Our images are our protected copyrighted material. You can take your own pictures of it, but in the presentation of the product you simply can not imply that your business is a part of are associated with The Golfworks or the Maltby brand. You can say you sell quality Golfworks and or Maltby products, but just can not imply association.
Britt Lindsey
So I can take pictures of the club heads and use those or I can take pictures of the catalog images and use those. I may have to order an assortment of iron heads.
Just want to be sure before I print cards.
I knew I couldn’t be associated with TGW as I wasn’t with Golfsmith.