So I am curious, I would like to play with lead tape... see if it can help with a thing or 2.. and rather then change my swing, cause I make solid contact, use lead tape... basically i want to put some...
so I was reading answers as I tend to do, and I read somewhere that the Ts4 will have the same Internal technology as the ts1... so it will have the special foam put on the inside and be hollow? my...
Just so your aware at JDMAGAW I have the KE4 Tour TC.. with the Maltby R shaft... which is more of a stiff... it out performed the sim 2, rogue, on par with the rad speed, beat the tsi drivers in performance.
BTW Britt I did buy the FDI 2 Iron 1 degree flat.. Matlby R shaft, Cause it plays like a stiff... 2G midsized wrap with 1 wrap on the bottom, But I noticed the KE4 Max came out earlier then expected,...
Freddie couples has the Smoothest Transition the WORLD HAS EVER SEEN THOUGH
When is the TC PRO Driver and Fairway woods coming out
IF I got it in the pack could I get it bent to 17 degrees, and 1 degree flat, and if you can, does making it stronger close the face a little bit.. I mean that is 2 degrees strong... so I don't the potential...
@Uhgolfer if you like Kinetixx you should really look into xcaliber shafts.. they are amazing and very reasonably priced
Britt you say you dont, but iust checked a couple on random and the last one i checked the TS1 shows the sole width of .755 are you sure you dont do it with every club set cause i see it all the time
Jim Harrington on every club that is on the website in the information section or just below has a PDF for that... and gives lofts of every club head and bounce and some other information
Well I am flat guy myself they can go 2 degrees flat no problem and the regularr mmbs could easily go more.. you can push it to 3 degrees flat or 4 with the blacks but your kind of pushing it and it could...
Well Jim you showed up about 2 years 2 late if you wanted some right away... Maltby designed a traditional blade callĀ the mmb 17.. I got the Blacked out limited edition.. it is a blade with a 5 step...
Britt if he is looking something similar I know Nippon makes a 90 gram and the trutemper has an XP95 would those work
Hey Britt, So I know you made some slight changes, but any preliminary results on the MPF rating, are looking to stay around that 714 super game improvement category Like the MMB-17, or maybe a little...
Oh you didn't miss it.. I literally just posted it like a 20 minutes before this question I just figured I would add that in this question cause I was curious on the bending aspect between the 2... So...
Gotcha, No worries man was just trying to help haha....
Brit, As you know I have MMB17 DBM edition, I noticed in one of your answer that the DBM had no problems bending, But I know the MMB17 you had to be very careful about bending just because it was prone...
Here is a picture of the TS3 and 4 this isn't production but Britt confirmed in one of my questions there has been no cosmetic change to any of these clubs... so this is it
for the ts4 or ts3 do you see a DBM limited release like you did with the MMBs or is it to far out to tell
So I have seen some TS4 and TS3 Iron pics doing some searches on forums for information that might be somewhere else... so I have seen 2 chrome really nice looking irons, are these pictures legit or fake?...