Would bending an iron 2 degrees strong raise or lower the VCOG?
Generally, the VCOG will move slightly higher if you decrease the loft. I say generally because the sole radius, specifically the front to back camber can have influence the amount. When you decrease the loft 2 degrees, the sole angle or bounce reduces by 2 degrees. This might make one think the VCOG would go down, but it doesn’t. For instance, I took a #9 iron with 45 degrees of loft and with 5 degrees of bounce and a normal front to back camber that you would see on most irons, bent it 2 degrees strong. The loft became 43 degrees, the bounce moved to 3 degrees and VCOG went up .008″. Very slight movement in the cg that would not be noticeable in playability.
Britt Lindsey