equipment would you need access to as a minimum to conduct a full club fit on a client?
Based on your series of questions, I would recommend you attend our club fitting schools to get all the details. That being said, I will try and give you the short answers. As far as the minimum equipment, the basics would include an iron (6 or 7 iron) of a known length and lie, impact labels, a lie board, a device to obtain clubhead speed, and grip sizing samples. Using just these items, a trained and experienced fitter should be able to fit an entire bag for a player. You can expand from this in the number of fitting clubs you might want, like a driver, hybrids, wedges, adjustable length putter of some kind, etc. Also, launch monitors add to the theater and can give you additional ball flight information that can be helpful. That’s the basics and I would encourage you to read all of Ralph’s fitting information and/or come to our Golfworks Fitting Academy.
Britt Lindsey