I’m interested in the clubs with black finish, but I’m weary of having the finish wear off quickly. How long do those black finishes last on clubs? I’d rather go with practical and long lasting over flashy.
I’m interested in the clubs with black finish, but I’m weary of having the finish wear off quickly. How long do those black finishes last on clubs? I’d rather go with practical and long lasting over flashy.
It depends on the type of black finish. Our DBM finish is the most durable. Some irons are Black Chrome and they can show wear over time. QPQ (stands for Quench, Polish, Quench) is a process used by some and it too will show wear. We have used black Chrome and QPQ in the past and always felt that the finish did not hold up as well as we preferred. When DBM (Diamonized Black Metal) came along (we were the first to use it) it was a game changer. It penetrates the material and in my personal experience it holds up the best, by far. I played with our DBM Forged irons for 5 years and although it did show some wear on the face over time, overall it was far superior to the other finishes. And I will add, I hit a lot of golf balls during that time.
Britt Lindsey
Any word on DRM finish? I am due for new irons and I may go DBM vs TE. Last two sets were TEs. DRM finished TEs would look good…