No real explanation to give, other than that combination works for you. There is nothing in the head that would make it perform better for you than the others. What I mean by that statement is that all the OEM’s design drivers to produce ball speeds off the face that are just under the limit of the USGA. So from a performance off the face standpoint, all premium drivers are pretty much the same. That being said, there can be features of a driver that suit you better, like weight distribution (ie: cg location), face angle, lie angle, etc. As far as the shaft, obviously something about the HZRDUS Smoke in that head works. Why it didn’t in other drivers, who knows. Anyone that has played a while and tests equipment, or changes equipment from time to time comes across the question of why something works and something doesn’t. I have designed heads, shafts and grips for many years and sometimes there is just not a definitive, singular reason why some combination of parts works. They just do. My advise is to not overthink it and be happy you got a combination that works. If you think you will never be able to find one better, you might want to build you a duplicate, if you can find the same exact head. Even if you do, there is no guarantee the “back-up” will play exactly the same due to slight tolerances and variations that can exist in the parts, but it’s worth a try.
Britt Lindsey