I’m looking for a replacement for my Ping GMax irons with thick sole, fat top rail, and high MPF (>900). The only thing on the market now that looks close is the PXG SGI. Any chance you’ll have an MPF for this anytime soon?
We do not have the PXG SGI iron and I do not expect to have it anytime soon. The PXG SGI looks like it could have a high playability, but you can never go on looks alone. I would have to measure the mass and dimensional characteristics to be able know what it’s actual MPF is. Although the new Ping G410 is not as high as the GMax, it’s still a Super Game Improvement iron and has a similar look to the Max. Maybe not quite as large a profile, but a similar look. If I get the PXG SGI I will definitely measure it and post the MPF on the website.
Britt Lindsey