Can The Odyssey Stroke Lab Putter be shortened and re-gripped with a Super Stroke Counter-Core backweighted grip, since there is already a weight plug in the butt of the shaft and can this plug be drilled out and removed ???
Can The Odyssey Stroke Lab Putter be shortened and re-gripped with a Super Stroke Counter-Core backweighted grip, since there is already a weight plug in the butt of the shaft and can this plug be drilled out and removed ???
A way I have found to remove a metal shaft butt weight without endangering the graphite shaft is to heat up the end of a metal rod with a torch then hold the heated end of the rod againt the metal butt weight without touching the graphite shaft at all. Sometimes it take 2 or 3 heatings for the weight to come loose. This assumes there is a way to grab the weight with pliers or insert a screw to pull it out. I test it after each heating until it pulls out as to not over heat the weight and the shaft.
Obviously this doesn’t apply to Tour Lock nor Balance-Certified butt weights which are held in by rubber grommets that at squashed and expand to lock in. They require the proper wrench to loosen and remove. Sometimes those still require pliers to pull out if the rubber has been squashed for so long that it doesn’t want to let go.