I’ve been using and M3 with a reg and stiff graphite shafts, I really can’t hit the m3 with any consistency. It’s left right and rarely on the fairway, very frustrating BUT” I bought a R7 8.5 degree driver from eBay with a Tour purple ice 65S graphite shaft and 6 out of 10 swings I’m on the short grass!!!!!! WTF is going on?
I’ve bought Ping Callaway Taylormade Nickent S-yard looking for a driver that suits me, I’ve swapped shafts between all of the above to no avail. I feel like I won lotto lol, I paid about $65 US delivered to NZ Bargain I think….
When I had a practice swing at the range I felt like this is different, first 4 swings nothing unusual here then bang down the middle omg I’m excited….
So is it that shaft or that driver setup that works for me, the Pro said it’s a very expensive and very good shaft that he uses in his driver the latest Taylormade, would that shaft work better for me in my M3 or don’t touch it?