Does anyone have the specs for tip trimming the OEM 2012 Taylormade Burner Reax 60 M Flex (Senior) shafts, including the actual weight and who made them for Taylor? – it would be appreciated…
The consensus here is that the Reax was made by Fujikura. They definitely made some product with that name on it for Taylor Made, but most OEM’s will at least dual source components so there could have been others that also made them. As far as how they were tip trimmed, we can not be for sure. You could measure the parallel tip section length and if it progressively gets shorter from the long irons to the short irons, it was probably tip trimmed in 1/2″ increments and then cut to final length from the butt end. However, Taylor Made may have wanted a shaft that was simply installed, and then trimmed to length from the butt without any tip trimming, like a taper tip shaft. The Burner took a .370 tip, but it still could have been a discrete length shaft that did not require tip trimming. Sorry for being able to be more definitive in my answer, but that’s the best we can do.
Britt Lindsey
Appreciate the effort and reply; now I have a base to start from… I had happened upon a set of 10 shafts that have not been tip trimmed, nor used at all, so I’ll eventually be able to shaft a set of irons/wedges…
Thanks again…