Hi everyone, been looking for iron sets that fit my current woods and wedge setup. I am a 29 y/o returning player, 14 HDCP looking for more modern irons. If it helps, my driver club speed is between 95-105 MPH, while my iron speed is 80-85 MPH, good ball striking when I don’t hit the ball an inch behind (which happens more often than I would like, but I am working on it)
Currently gaming a Ping G425 Max driver (9° set to 9.5°), G425 Max 3W (14.5°), TM Aeroburner 3H (19°), Ping i10 black dot irons (4-PW), Vokey 52-08, Vokey SM9 56-08 and Maltby TSW 60-8. I have a void between the 52 and the PW close to 20 yards (carry for PW between 130-135 and for 52° is 110-115), and also my 4I is a bit too hard to hit.
To keep consistency with the top and bottom of my bag, I am leaning towards a TS4 (6 to GW) and TS3 (4 and 5I) combo set so I can keep a more traditionally lofted low irons and a little easier to hit higher ones.
To solve the loft inconsistencies, I would go for a 22.5° 4 iron (from 22°) and 26° 5 iron (from 25°).
Is there a playabilty issue with this? Is this commonly done? With these, my bag would be the following:
Driver (9.5), 3W (14.5), 3H (19), TS3 4I (22.5), TS3 5I (26), TS4 6I (29.5), TS4 7I (33), TS4 8I (37), TS4 9I (41), TS4 PW (45.5), TS4 GW (50), SM9 56 (maybe tuned down to 55) and TSW 60.
With that, the loft transition would be pretty well balanced, but I am a bit scared that the 4 and 5 iron loft changes may affect me negatively.
Any guidance?
I’m playing a combo set of 4i/5i ts3 6-pw ts4. I play off an 8 hdcp. I previously had the 6 in ts3 flavor but switched it to ts4. The 4 and 5 look good but I wish the te v4 we’re out as I probably would’ve gone with those instead.