I have a Nike Covert driver with a broken shaft. It has adjustments on the tip of the shaft as the head will screw off to make the adjustments. Do I need to buy a new shaft from Nike or can the adjustments be taken off the end?
We no longer have any of the Nike Covert adaptors. Randy is right on in telling you that the adaptor can be removed from the broken shaft and re-installed on a new shaft. Nike is no longer in the golf equipment business, as Randy stated, so you can not order shafts, or adaptors, from them. A qualified local clubmaker maybe could do the work for you, or you can send to us and we can remove the adaptor and install it on the shaft of your choice from our selection.
Britt Lindsey
the adapter can be removed and put on a new shaft. Or you can order a shaft with a new adapter installed. Nike is no longer in the clubmaking business so I would suspect they would not do a repair. I would think a local club builder could help you out, or possibly Golfworks, not sure if they have adapters.
I’ll let Brit respond so as not to stop this discussion.