Had to share my review of this head which was posted on Golfworks’ site yesterday. I’m really existed about this head.
Me: Longtime Maltby fan, age 55, 5 handicap, 100 mph SS, driving is by far the strongest part of my game.
I first tried the 10’ with a mid-flight and mid spin shaft – the Mitsubishi C6 (great shaft). I’m a high ball hitter but I had a hard time hitting the 10’ high enough. Also had to work too hard to try to turn it over into a draw.
Put the same shaft in the 12’ head. Same setup: Added 12 gram head to get the weight to 204 and my preferred D4 swing weight at ~45”. Wow, what a difference from the 10’. I’m not going to say it’s the longest, but it darn sure is the straightest wood that I’ve hit save the Taylormade Original One Mini Driver. I found the M890 also to be straighter than the STw² Forged in the same loft. Easy to launch and easy to draw with really solid feel. Perhaps these playing characteristics are due to the shallower face height. I prefer a shallower face height as I feel like it gives me more control and I don’t have to tee the ball a foot in the air to make solid contact.
Love the feel and sound of this club. Very very solid for as far as titanium drivers go. More solid that then STw² Forged and my Titleist TS2. Also love the control of this club. I play on a relatively tight driver’s course and this head fits my set-up perfectly. I might give up a couple or so yards on average from the Titleist TS2 that I compared it against, but the extra control is worth it for me. If I can play from the fairway then I can play this game, and the M890 helps me do that.
If you’re looking at this head, consider the 12’ because the 10’ should be reserved for only the very strongest of swingers in my opinion.
I’ve found a new driver. A no-nonsense, no BS, head that simply performs for me. Well done Britt and Golfworks.