What do the numbers and letters mean in the MPF code (ie 3B2H or 4B2H)?
joniroten Answered question April 13, 2021
What do the numbers and letters mean in the MPF code (ie 3B2H or 4B2H)?
Hi Britt,
sorry for digging up ! I’ve checked the links you guys posted above and I found the shafts chart.
But I’d like to understand better the letter and number system. Do you have something ?
For instance, I can understand that the first figure is related to the weight shaft. But what is the range ? And what are the other letters etc.
Thanks for helping me.
By the way, it’s very rare that the shaft selector tool give me a result, even when i change the parameters. Is it normal ?
It indicates shaft characteristics regarding it’s playability. See the following link: