Wow, that kind of comes right out of our play book, don’t you think? Actual vertical cg is more important than MOI in the MPF rating, as is the rearward and the horizontal cg’s. MOI is still important, and if the cg is done right and the designers pay attention to the overall mass and dimensional characteristics of the design, the MOI will be solid. What you want is a good actual vertical cg with a good MOI. You can have a bad actual vertical cg with a high MOI, but that is not good and we actually take away points in the MPF rating formula for this occurrence. I have always been a big fan of Ping and what they do, even though some of the models they have produced in recent years have sacrificed some playability to appeal to better players that want to see a blade type profile. Interestingly, and we have proven this, that you do not have to sacrifice playability to produce a “Players” type of design. I am waiting for the i530 to arrive so I can measure, so we will see how it actually comes out.
Thanks for the information. Very interesting indeed.
Britt Lindsey