how would one go about refinishing a set of old Ping Eye 2’s? it has a finish/appearance I haven’t worked with before.
how would one go about refinishing a set of old Ping Eye 2’s? it has a finish/appearance I haven’t worked with before.
When we do Ping, we would first use a 220 grit belt to clean up any nicks, etc., then we put them in our big tumbler. The rock media we use basically restores the original finish, or very similar. Then we would tape and sand blast the face. Unless you have a tumbler, you’re not going to be able to duplicate close the the original finish.
Britt Lindsey
Sorry for the delay. Working on getting the information. Our guy that does that has been out. We have a large tumbler, so we can do multiple heads at one time. Will get back to on the type of media and duration.
Britt Lindsey
We used a media called Matte Media that was proprietary from a company out of Illinois. It was basically a mixed rock media and would produce matte type finishes, similar to the original Ping finish. Duration could vary from 1 to 3 hours. Once we started a run, we would watch it, and add water or other liquid agents as needed to get the finish we were looking for. Kind of like mixing a cake mix. We have not done it in a long time and do not even know if the media is still available. Not much demand for it anymore.
Britt Lindsey
Any particular media you would use in the tumbler, do you do more than one head at a time, how long do you run the tumbler for?