First, thanks for the comments. We really like these putters and feel they are as appealing as anything out their. Milling to faces of putters is done for one reason and one reason only. To insure the face is flat. More aggressive milling may look cool, but other than to flatten the face, it has no function. We did several versions and really liked the clean look of the small horizontal pattern. In reality, the best face for a putter with regards to performance is a pure, slick polished one. However, very difficult to get a perfectly flat polished face in manufacturing. That’s why you don’t see any.
Britt Lindsey
Follow up question: are the claims regarding better ball roll, etc., totally hype? Even Guerin claims that the special milling of the face of his putters ( gives a better roll. Help us learn what’s hype and what’s true. By the way, I think his putters are great. Thanks. Michael