How do you safely remove old grip tape from graphite shafts without using a heat gun?
bill wenger Answered question April 20, 2022
How do you safely remove old grip tape from graphite shafts without using a heat gun?
I cant imagine doing any quantity of removal without a heat gun. If you dont have one try a hair dryer. Any heat whatsoever is better than no heat.
With the proper technique, it is safe to use a heat gun to remove old grip tape from graphite shafts. Use the heat gun on low setting, keep the gun nozzle at least 6-7inches from the shaft while moving the the heat gun up and down the butt end of shaft; Be sure to rotate the shaft after a few passes. Do this several times and the tape will peel off easily
Good Luck, T Brandt
When I don’t have a heat source available, I use part of an old steel iron shaft with a wood handle that looks like item SKU: GW1101.
I soak the tape end of the shaft in mineral spirits for a couple of minutes and scrap it off with the tool. Works fine, kind of messy though.