Since the current TE and DBM are almost perfect as CBs are concerned, could the future + models be Tour Cavities? Something to bridge current models and future TS4s?
Since the current TE and DBM are almost perfect as CBs are concerned, could the future + models be Tour Cavities? Something to bridge current models and future TS4s?
@ Britt Lindsey: When you describe the new DBM+ forged irons as “Players Tour Cavity backs” are you teasing that they might have a higher C.G. than do the current DBM’s?” Unless I’m mistaken the current DBM’s have a C.G. height of .675″ (Jan 2021 catalog reference, code UAB–I think you recently said you play them yourself(?)), while a TS1 sports a C.G. height of .750.” Is this C.G…discrepancy…what you would consider the biggest difference between what you are calling a “Players Club, or would you consider the difference more related to the toe-heel M.O.I?
[Currently playing ProjectX steel 6.0 with DBM heads myself (I do have a #3 iron as well, though not yet put together. My thinking is play a #3 + #5 or a #4 + #6 on any given day, and depending on skill and confidence].