A lot of the guys on the golf forums are asking about a possible DBM finish option. Is that possible with this construction?
As a side note the TS1 is a gorgeous looking iron. I can’t wait to make up a set.
Nothing yet on the possibility of the DBM finish on the TS-1, TS-2. Will let you know when we know.
Thanks for the interest.
Britt Lindsey
Any word on if the DBM finish is going to happen on the TS line?
We currently are exploring the possibility of DBM finish on the TS1 and/or TS2, but nothing definitive yet. If we are able to and decide to offer, it would be 2019 before they would be available.
Thanks, I wasnt sure how well the welded portions of the iron would accept the finish.
Thanks, I wasnt sure how well the welded portions of the iron would accept the finish.