I’ve just fitted a OZIX Matrix Whitetie MFS X5 45A graphite shaft in my recently acquired Taylormade R15 430cc head, I tipped it 2 inches and I’m hitting it 21 metres longer on CARRY distance… The R15 feels like it has some guts and I can feel the head, as you may know I had M3 and Epic rogue before this R15. Can you say what shaft I’m left with, I bought 2 of these shafts and the other one was tipped standard for my Callaway epic driver and I didn’t like it and that’s why I did what I did ??
Britt Lindsey Answered question September 13, 2021
Yeah New shaft, launch was 11deg and height 22 metres, thanks…
that particular White tie is a high launch shaft for what it’s worth. I would estimate that by tip trimming it (assuming it’s a new shaft), it’s playing more like a 5 Wood. You probably stiffened up the tip substantially, lowering the launch.
to my knowledge, Callaway doesn’t tip their shafts prior to install for drivers. so it would play as Matrix designed it.
In answer to your question, you have a driver with a 5W shaft playing at driver length (44″-46″) I would imagine.
If your 21 Meters longer on carry distance, that’s good on you.