Do you have any teasers for the upcoming lines. I know you have discussed some forged irons and well as high playability heads. Can you leak any details yet?
For 2017, we have quite a few things in the works. We will have a new form forged iron and a new set of wedges early in the year. We have a new hybrid and two other forgings we are working on that will most likely be mid to late 2017. The hybrid maybe by late spring. We also are working on a new driver, as well as a couple of new putters. The putters should be available in the spring.
When I can, I will give more information.
Britt Lindsey
This embargo is killing us.
As specs go final, would be great if you could share the details (e.g. finish, loft/bounce progression, shape) even without photos. If you can, please make a version of them that can be lie/loft adjusted more than your current models – have seen conflicting info on how much golfworks will bend the other forged offerings.
We do have some things in the works. We will have a new form forged iron, but it will not be until spring and will not appear in our first catalog, but will be in the second master catalog that hits homes in April. We do have a new oversize iron in RH and LH that will be in the first catalog, the Maltby STi OS. Also, we have a couple of new Pure Track putters, 100% CNC milled. They are as good as anything you will see. And, we have the UFW (Ultimate Fairway Wood) line being introduced. It will come in a 3,5,7,9 wood and should appeal to all players. Biased opinion, I know, but it looks and performs fantastic. We also have a new wedge series that will be coming in the April catalog as well.
Britt Lindsey
That’s great to hear. Ramping up the club fitting again for the spring. The milled putters sound exciting and I love the UFW moniker.
Is Ralph still designing your stuff?
Oops, I’m sorry, but can you tell us if there are any models that are being discontinued, in case we need to add inventory to complete a set, or that kinda thing? The L-TECH is safe?
Thanks again
I meant for 2018. Also, the form forged irons will be Super Game Improvement.
Britt Lindsey