I have 3 True Temper Shafts that don’t have the Identification Label posted on the Butt end. I can give you these specs, hopefully you can identify which model True Temper Shaft it is. I think it would be the TT Command or TT Lite XL, but not sure.
.370 Tip
.600 Butt
10 inch Tip to First Step
11 Steps @ 1.5 Inch
1- 3 inch Step
3 Steps @ 1 inch
I do have a couple other True Temper shafts that I can’t seem to find any information on. I have 3 shafts that are 4 iron, 5 iron , and 6 iron length. They are True Temper, but not sure which model. Below is the step pattern. If anyone has any information please let me know.
.370 Tip
12 Steps @ 1.875
Butt .600
I found information on this shaft. It is the True Temper Lite XL A/L Shaft.