What’s a good book out there on beginning club making?
The below is a link (Britt’s book?) Basics of Clubmaking for $1.99. This was one of the first I bought after attending a one day class at Golfsmith in the Chicago area. There are also a couple on Amazon. This was a good primer.
My Library is pretty extensive these days but I pretty much refer to The Complete Book of Golf club fitting and performance. I agree with Ncduffer as well, his first recommendation has a lot of info. These books cost a few bucks, so you may look online for a bargain.
Michael is dead on also, if it’s in your budget, I would recommend attending one of the GW schools. Price is reasonable, and you receive a couple of books at no additional cost, as well as some hands on training.
I wrote a book, “The Basics of Clubmaking” back in the late 90’s when I was working for Golfsmith. It went through 3 re-prints while I was there and did very well. When I left Golfsmith, they took my name off of it and continued to sell it. You might be able to find it online somewhere. If I had more than a couple of copies I would offer it, but I don’t. Covered the very basics of assembly for metal woods, irons, putters, etc.
Britt Lindsey
I recommend getting with a local club maker and learning from him, or go to a Maltby Clubmaking school. Here’s the link: https://www.golfworks.com/2019-maltby-clubmaking-academy/a/494/